You want to convert your attic into a master bedroom, or even have the objective of rearranging your interior space, it is very likely that you want to install a new bathroom. This new space can be integrated anywhere in your home, the only limit is the surface available to install it.
Anything is possible with SFA.
Once you have found the surface to install a complete bathroom, you will start to think about its layout: hand basin or washbasins, walk-in shower or bathtub. Thanks to SFA, installing your bathroom is done without major work. The products available in the Macerator range allow you to enjoy a classic or even high-end bathroom, because they are discreet and silent products. Having an additional bathroom in your home (in the attic or in the basement) increases the value of your propert. All thanks to an SFA brand pump, you can solve all your interior design worries, including that of creating a new bathroom.
SFA pumps are available in several versions depending on your needs and the desired layout. All the waste water will be evacuated thanks to this one, even the discharges of the laundry, the water of the shower or the bathtub and These pumps are compact and allow you to operate the entire bathroom.
Our wide range allows you to create the bathroom of your dreams.